MTC Week 2

Tuesday and Sunday nights in the mtc are devotional nights!! Tuesday nights we have a general authority come speak with us! It was seriously so amazing!! It was elder Matthew S. Holland of the seventy! But the person it was actually supposed to be was Elder Jeffery R. Holland who is Matthew's dad!!!! It was so cool! He told us how his dad loves to speak with the missionaries and when he does he just goes from the spirit and doesn't prepare anything or write down a single talk! But this time he did he wrote a talk to share with us and then the next day got super sick and asked his son Matthew to read it for us! It was such an amazing talk and the spirit was so strong! Everyone in my district heard something they needed to hear that night! It was cool to because we did a devotional review as a district and after we did a little testimony meeting and I think that was the time I felt the spirit the most at the mtc it was truly amazing!!

Thursday we had a meeting about leaving the mtc and the traveling plans we need to be prepared for! And it was funny they did a little play about being in the airport and meeting your mission president and trainer for the first time it was super funny!! Or maybe it was just funny because it's been the first entertainment I've seen in 2 weeks! 

I have been playing lots of volleyball which has a been so fun! I'm probably the best person here playing and the other day I was playing with all these fools who were so bad and I legit was just serving and they would never get it over the net so it was serve after serve after serve!! And now my arm is all bruised up I'll have to send a picture!! My district has also been playing a lot of signs it's so funny!!! And I taught everyone the Jonny Jonny game! It took everyone forever to catch on! Too bad they aren't as smart as me!!

But I found out who my was trainer was Thursday and found out I'll have my first transfer in Telmeca Cali so that's super exciting! I met an Elder from there and he told me all about it and who his family was because they love to have the missionaries over!! So that was fun! 

If I can describe a mission so far in one word it would be love! You love Jesus christ, you love this gospel, the people you will be teaching, this mission and this whole gospel is about love! Since the day I've put the tag on I've felt so much love for these people who I've never even met 

This week I've learned how to play chess and I've been playing alot! I've started to get pretty good! So now I can play all mission!!!

I decided I hate goodbyes! The past few days I've had to say goodbye to my district and now I'm leaving! I'm so sad! They are seriously so much fun! I'm so excited to get to California but I'm so sad I'll be leaving! 

Now I'm just sitting in the airport wanting to get on the plane! And when I get to California I'll have my first dinner appointment! I'm super excited to that!! It should be so fun! Thank you for everything and all the prayers I appreciate all the packages yall have sent! Can't wait to tell yall all about California!!

Love sister holt!!


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